And now for my HBAC story, since I posted my cesarean story. It was most definitely a difficult birth. I have a lower back injury from a car accident that happened 7 years ago. I have chronic pain in my lower back on regular days...add a pregnancy to it, and it's almost dabilitating at times. My daughter stayed persistent posterior throughout the end of pregnancy, no matter what I did. I visited religiously, and tried everything. She was in that position for a reason. What reason, I don't know. But I believe that everything has a reason. Here is my story:
Megan Ohana Fiscer's Birth Story
I had been doing the yucky prodromal labor think for what felt like forever. I had almost 6 weeks of contractions that would get so regular and start getting more intense, that I was sure it was "it" a few times. Even had my poor midwife drive out here in the middle of the night which ended up being for nothing. I had regular contractions all through the night on the 10th and called Brenda at about 4am. She came and when she checked me at 8:30 or so, I was a mere 2cm and not effaced much. Megan was also floating high still. I was crushed. Jeramy had the day off and since his grandmother had come up to help with the kids, we decided to go walking that evening to see if it would help anything. I had horrible pressure on my cervix and ended up passing some bloody show. Nothing more though.
The pressure on my cervix changed to a stabbing pain anytime I was doing anything other than sitting, so on Monday the 14th we decided to go walk around a shopping center that is a mile around. The pain was awful, but I wasn't having any contractions at all. I asked Jeramy to stay home on Tuesday because of the pain, and to help around the house. That evening I decided to call Brenda to see if we could try castor oil in the morning. The pain was really awful, and I was having an incredibly hard time getting around after my kids and doing much of anything. I was also a week past my due date and more than a little miserable ( I know, bad reason to try castor oil...but I felt I couldn't take it anymore ).
Right after I got the go ahead from her for the cocktail in the morning, I used the restroom and had at least 3 tissues full of mucous. I called her back to give her the heads up, as I went into labor the same night I passed mucous like that with Noah. I decided to go to Walmart to get some laundry detergent and some needed things and then came home and took a shower. I had been having very small contractions on and off all day, but not much of anything. After the shower, I began having really strong contractions all of a sudden. I went in to lay down to see if they were staying...and they only got stronger. Stronger to the point where when Jeramy checked on me I was in tears. I said it was time to call Brenda. He wanted me to make sure it was really time so she didn't come out again for nothing. I assured him it was! Jeramy filled up the tub, which I went back and forth from because I kept getting too warm. She got here at about 1 or so...and by that time I had already told Jeramy I wasn't sure I could do it. The contractions were very intense and I couldn't imagine it just getting worse. I was also afraid of how far I had progressed...not wanting to hear 3cm or so. When Brenda checked me I was happy to find myself at 5, and she could actually stretch me to 6cm. I tried getting back into the tub, but only ended up getting too hot again. I decided to go lie down in bed to try to cope with everything. I did okay for a while, until things got REALLY intense, at which point I would lose it when a contraction peaked and start shaking my head hard saying I couldn't do it. Brenda was amazing in helping me relax through some of them, reminding me to relax my entire body and even asked if she could pray over me...which I welcomed gladly. Back labor was awful, and my poor husband tried applying counter pressure when I almost felt like I jumped out of my didn't feel good at all, it only intensified things. I got up and labored on the toilet for a bit which felt good for a while, but then let out a grunt when it felt good to bear down. This alarmed Brenda, and she and Jeramy got the bed prepared. They got the shower liner under the sheet and the chux pads out on the bed. She decided to check me again to see if I was complete, but I was only at 7-8cm. The pressure was awful and I felt like I was having one big contraction, instead of breaks in between. So we decided to go ahead and break my water, and that helped TREMENDOUSLY. I was able to relax and sleep in between contractions somehow. By this point I had gotten REALLY vocal and was having a hard time relaxing during contractions at all. I started feeling pushy again, and when checked I was complete with just a little lip. Brenda said if I was feeling the urge to push, she could help move the lip out of the way. I began pushing and that became an exhausting experience. When I would push, burning pain would radiate through my hips. It felt amazing once I was really pushing effectively, but at the beginning of each push it hurt horribly. I was really becoming exhausted, and Brenda had me change to a side-lying position to push which seemed to be helping, but still not as effective. She suggested the toilet again, but I didn't think I could get up to it. So I rolled over and got on hands and knees and tried that way. Now I was REALLY screaming that I couldn't do it...I was too tired. Jeramy and Brenda kept reassuring me that I could, but I really needed to push. I was the only one that could get her out, and I needed to do it now. I ended up pushing more in a sitting/squatting position and even bit poor Jeramy's hand during one big push. Megan started crowning and I had never felt a burning sensation like that in my life. I was sure everything was going to split wide open. I remember the feeling of Brenda stretching me to keep me from tearing, hurting pretty badly as well. But getting her head out was the hardest. Brenda kept telling me I needed to push through the burning and get her out now, as she had been in that spot for a while and her head was kind of stuck behind my pubic bone. Megan was also going back up in between pushes because I couldn't hold it. So I pushed through the burning and felt her head come out, and then very quickly the rest of her slid right out. It was an amazing feeling.
I relaxed my entire body, still in that squatting position, onto the pillows in front of me. My hair was soaked with sweat and I was exhausted beyond belief, and also incredibly relieved that she was out. I smiled up at my husband and told him that I could feel her kicking against my thighs. They had me roll over, and Jeramy got to hand her to me, but had to be careful since the cord was short. She was beautiful. The first thing I noticed was how long her fingers were. She was so calm and alert. Jeramy was beaming and told me I did it and how proud he was of me. We waited for the cord to stop pulsating and then Brenda clamped and Jeramy cut. I spent some time admiring her, and then Jeramy took Megan out to the livingroom to meet her brother and sister and great grandma so that I could deliver the placenta. It wasn't hard at all, I just pushed and it came out easily. That also felt really good to get out. I was still burning quite a bit, but was laying back and relaxing knowing that the hard work was done.
Jeramy came back in with Megan, and I latched her on to nurse. She latched on immediately and did so very well. I asked if we could weigh her and get measurements...I was so anxious to see! When Megan was born, Brenda said she thought she was a good 8 1/2-9 lbs. Well, Jeramy was the one to weigh her, and he got wide eyed and asked Brenda if what he was seeing was correct. She looked at the scale and got the same look on her face! He then announced 10 lbs 10 ounces and I couldn't believe it. Furthermore, I couldn't believe when Brenda measured her and she was 23 inches long. I knew my belly had been huge, but never imagined she'd come near to 11 pounds. Jeramy went out and announced it to his grandma, who couldn't believe it either.
Brenda checked me for tears, and said it looked like I had one up towards my labia, and then one on my perenium and she could sew me up after I got cleaned up and showered. I tried twice to get up and shower, but while sitting on the toilet I almost passed out after the burning from peeing. So I was sent back to bed until I could get some fluids in and some toast. When I did take a quick shower and get back into bed a few hours after Megan was born, Brenda checked me to find that by me laying with legs together for so long, I was already starting to heal naturally. She had to really look for the tear she found before on my perenium, and she said there were only a few slits up towards my labia from the skin stretching, and those would heal on their own. As for the perenium, she numbed me, which didn't take too well...and I cried through the single stitch she put in. She said one would be enough along with me keeping my legs closed for a while. I was relieved not to have to endure another stitch. She gave me my instructions and a big hug and kiss and left us to our new family.
Recovery has been amazingly fast in comparison to both my previous vaginal birth, and the cesarean. It's amazing how things work perfectly when done naturally. My system didn't have to get over any drugs being pumped into me, or soreness from an episiotomy and stitches. Compared to a lot of homebirth stories I have read, I didn't feel mine went as smoothly, and I definitely didn't cry out that I would do it again after all was said and done...but it WAS beautiful. It was beautiful that my baby was handled gently at birth, not rubbed down and tagged with plastic and handed from one unfamiliar hand to another. She was treated peacefully and gently, and for that alone I would go through the pain all over again.

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